Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, Students, and Community Partners:

I am honored to serve as the Principal of Kelsey L. Pharr Elementary. I am excited to work in partnership with you to ensure students thrive during these most formative years of their lives. During this time of growth, it is our aim to provide students with effective academic instruction, supportive learning environments and the space to develop socially and emotionally.

This year’s theme of “Traveling Pharr ‘A’Way” reflects our intentions to ensure all students, faculty and community stakeholders are committed to making strong personal and academic progress. To ensure this comes to life, we are making an unwavering commitment to empower each student daily towards strong academic, and social emotional gains.

It is the common goal of this administration, faculty, staff, and community that each student at Kelsey L. Pharr Elementary succeed here and beyond the walls of the campus.

“The Kelsey L. Pharr, Where Success is the Only Option”


Keith B. Parrimore, Principal